Ah, September. And it’s a glorious one this year. Like the Autumnal equinox with equal time for daylight and nighttime, there is a balance in September. Warm days, cool nights. Sunshine, long shadows. The color on the Sandwich Range begins to show a mix of yellow and green, with a touch of red here and there. And golden sunsets grace the evening.
Here’s a few of the fun and interesting events coming up in the next couple weeks in and around Sandwich: (you can read more about them below!) September 20 – Chapman Sanctuary/Visny Woods clean up September 20 – Mobile Food Pantry in Ossipee September 20 – Peter Heimlich at Corner House September 20 – Shakespeare’s The Tempest September 21 – Family Storytime and Craft at library September 22 – Advice to the Players Gala September 26 – Storytelling talk at Library September 26 – Cookie decorating class at Sandwich Home Industries Samuel H. Wentworth Library Family Story time, Saturday 9/21 at 10:30 am. This week we will be making Nature Mandalas at the outdoor story circle in front of the library. We will welcome Autumn with a fall-themed story time and and opportunity to create Nature Mandalas. A Nature Mandala is a circular design made from natural materials that radiates from a center point and uses patterns. “That Reminds Me of a Story”, a New Hampshire Humanities event hosted by Samuel H. Wentworth Library, will take place Thursday, September 26 at 6:30 pm. The presenter is Rebecca Rule. Stories speak to us of community. They hold our history and reflect our identity. Rebecca Rule has made it her mission over the last 20 years to collect stories of New Hampshire, especially those that reflect what’s special about this rocky old place. She’ll tell some of those stories – her favorites are the funny ones – and invite audience members to contribute a few stories of their own. Free and open to the public! Samuel H. Wentworth Library is located at 35 Main Street, PO Box 146 Center Sandwich, NH 03227 phone: (603) 284-6665; email: [email protected]. Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 12:00 – 5:30, Thursday and Friday, 10:00 – 5:00, and Saturday 10:00 – 12:30. Patricia Ladd Carega Gallery Immerse yourself in the delightful work found in our exhibit, Whimsical Worlds. The paintings such as “Clarence’s Night” by Melissa Goodman Vance or “Mr. Peanuts Party” by Frances Hamilton might take you back to your childhood - a world filled with wonder. The gallery is located at 69 Maple Street in Center Sandwich. www.patricialaddcaregagallery.com or 603-284-7728 for further information. Bring your questions and curiosity. We look forward to seeing you. Regular Gallery hours are from 10 to 5 Tuesday through Saturday and 12 to 5 on Sunday. Field Fine Art Gallery Field Fine Art Gallery is excited to share their new Sculpture Gallery. The grand opening will take place Sunday, October 6th from 3 – 6 pm. This space opens new possibilities for exhibitions and events planned in the coming year. Field Fine Art invites you to join the celebration at 74 Taylor Road, Sandwich. A season of classes has filled this Summer at Field Fine Art Studio Coming soon: Monday September 23, Drawing Animals To register for a class or learn more about the classes, visit fieldfineart.net. Kathryn Field writes: “Everyone is creative. Come discover ways to tap into those talents.” Give a call to the Field Fine Art Gallery at 603-273-1326 to find out more. Email [email protected] for more information. Center Sandwich Fine Craft Gallery The Center Sandwich Fine Craft Gallery, 32 Main Street, Sandwich, is open 7 days a week, until mid-October. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm, and Sunday from 12 ‘til 5. Many new exciting craftsmen have been added to the gallery this year. Coming soon, Holiday Cookie Decorating Instructor: Ralph Watson Thursday, September 26, 1:00 PM-5:00 PM Tuition: $40.00, Material Fee: $10.00 Learn the art of mixing royal icing, outlining a design, and flooding your cookie to create beautiful holiday creations. We will decorate pumpkin and leaf-shaped cookies for the fall and snowflakes and mittens for the winter. Sandwich Fair The Sandwich Fair will be here before you know it! Mark your calendar for October 12 – 14. Saturday October 12 is Children’s Day at the fair, featuring a ‘pay one price’ ride special until 2:00 pm. Sunday October 13 is Family Day, with the Grand Street Parade at 1:00. Monday, October 14 is Senior Citizen/ 4 H/ and Military Day. Tickets are discounted for Seniors over 60; the 4H shows are all day at the fair on Monday; And free admission Monday for those presenting a military ID. Sandwich Fair Workers The Sandwich Fair is looking for anyone who would be interested in working at the fair. Positions include ticket takers/sellers, and 3-hour shifts in the exhibitor buildings. Ticket takers and sellers receive an hourly rate, while 3-hour shift workers in the exhibit buildings receive a 3-day pass. If you are interested, please email [email protected] or call 603-284-7062. Thanks so much for considering – we are so excited that we are getting closer to the fair! Camp Hale Plunge The Camp Hale Plunge is less than one month away! The plunge into Squam Lake takes place on Saturday, October 12th at 9:00 am. Coffee and light breakfast to follow. All proceeds will benefit campers and programming at Camp Hale. Each registration to plunge costs $50.00. All entries will receive an event t-shirt and an opportunity to fundraise even more for special Camp Hale prizes. Register or become a sponcer by going to https://www.classy.org/event/camp-hale-plunge-2024/e594711 Advice to the Players Gala On Sunday, September 22 Advice To The Players will host their 25th Anniversary Gala Experience, which includes:
The performance of The Tempest will feature Charls Sedgwick Hall in the role of Prospero, as well as many other familiar ATTP faces, including founder Caroline Nesbitt. The Production is directed by Nafeesa Monroe, of Classics in Color NYC. The reception will be held at the Science Center's brand new Trailhead Events Space and Bluestone Terrace and will feature catering by The Foothills, a paddle raise auction, and plenty of revelry. Attendance at the performance is very limited, so you are encouraged to reserve your ticket ASAP. There will also be a handful of reception-only tickets available for those not attending the performance. Reserve and pay for tickets online at advicetotheplayers.org. You can also view the Tempest at the following locations/times: September 20, 21, 28, & 29, 4pm at Quimby Park in Center Sandwich or September 25 at Silver Center in Plymouth Chapman Sanctuary and Visny Woods UNITED WAY DAY OF CARING The United Way is sending a team of volunteers to CSVW as part of the United Way's Day of Caring annual event. The group will perform some very important maintenance on the trails, in the gardens and all over the sanctuary grounds. CSVW’s wildlife depends on the protected environment provided by Chapman Sanctuary and Visny Woods. It is imperative to keep trails open, clear of brush and passable for both the wildlife and the public. The gardens need weeding and edging in order to continue to flourish, especially for the many critically important pollinators at the sanctuary. Can you help the sanctuary on September 20th? CSVW appreciates any and all volunteers that can give us an hour, a morning or a day. 9:00am Friday, September 20, 2024 Chapman Sanctuary and Visny Woods 740 Mt Israel Road • Center Sandwich, NH 03227 Please join us ready to work with your hands and in the gardens and on the trails. What you might need:
CSVW trails are open from dawn until dusk every day FREE of charge. Park in the upper parking area and sign in at the Visitor’s Kiosk where you will find trail maps and other helpful information. Donations for Playground Sought The Town of Sandwich’s Remick Park Revitalization Committee is in phase one of revitalizing Remick Park in North Sandwich. Phase one begins with creating a more desirable place for children and families. The hope is to create a destination for outdoor recreation and relaxation. The Revitalization Committee is asking for gifts of $79. This is the cost of one of the required 25 surfacing mats. Gifts outside the requested amount are also greatly appreciated. Donations beyond the first 25 gifts of $79 may be used for additional mats, or be used as the committee moves into phase 2 of the improvements. Phase 2 will focus on beautification: including stone wall repair, ornamental plantings, landscaping, and a well and water fountain. Gift payable to: “Town of Sandwich -Remick” at Po Box 194, Center Sandwich, NH 03227 A little more about our project: Remick Park is the only town owned park in Sandwich with Playground equipment. Remick Park currently has a 21-year-old swing-set and one equally old playground structure. Phase one of the Park Revitalization is to install additional playground equipment and update playground access and surface material. The committee hopes to maximize phase one of this project by leveraging additional gifts against the $44,000 received from a warrant article at the Sandwich town meeting in March 2024. $17,000 was from taxation and $27,000 was a generous gift from the Alfred Quimby trust. Scholarship Announcement Red Mountain Lodge #68 F &A.M. announces the award of the Carol A Wyman Memorial Scholarship. This year’s scholarship recipient is Sandwich resident Etta Wobber. Etta is a 2024 graduate of Interlakes High School, and a member of the National Honor Society. Etta completed her academics early so she could spend the last semester traveling and practicing her foreign language skills. Etta will be attending McGill University in Montreal, Canada, majoring in Sociology, with goal of working in community advocacy for non-profit organizations. The scholarship committee had a difficult job this year as we received a record amount of applicants. The applicants were all excellent candidates and while we wish we could have awarded them all, but had to narrow it down to just one. The scholarship was founded in 2019 and is to benefit graduating seniors from Sandwich and Moultonborough and is dispersed in the students second semester. Congratulations Etta!! Willow Pond Antiques and Goods Located at 12 main Street, Center Sandwich, Willow Pond features unique whimsical antiques and goods. You can also find Anna’s “Squam Neck Farm” Fresh Eggs at Willow Pond. Hours are Thursday through Saturday, 11-4, and Sunday 12-4. Bookshop Open Hill Country Books at 25 Grove Street is open Thursday through Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm. You’ll find a selection of unique reading material, many old books. The air conditioner is on. There is a big selection of Cashmere fingerless gloves for cooler weather. Summer is the best time to take a look. Available will be hot mustard, chili sauce, Scottish Shortbread, a wide variety of crafts, small antiques, White Mountain prints, antiquarian books, books by local authors, and book bargains including sets for $20. Easy Banjo Jam Beginning Thursday, October 3 from 6:30 till 8 pm at the Sandwich Town Hall, banjo players will meet to play together to have a chance to learn, play with fellow players, and have fun! To begin with, the group will start slow and easy, covering different tunings, styles and some basic chord shapes. This is a free get together, not a lesson. If you’ve always wanted to play banjo, perhaps think about checking it out. The Easy Banjo Jam will meet every Thursday. Email [email protected] for more information. Music Jam Hello, beginner to intermediate musicians. This is a reminder that we gather every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8pm at the Sandwich town hall for a free, fun-filled music jam. We play traditional, Celtic, oldtime, folk, and Americana tunes at a slow to moderate tempo. Bring your hobby out and start playing with others! It’s fun and inclusive. Right now, we have fiddles, penny whistle, flute, guitars, mandolin, acoustic bass, piano, concertina, and an autoharp!! Sheet music available. Plenty of parking, and an elevator lift if needed. Listeners are always welcome, Never an obligation to attend. It’s free! For more information, contact Christine Woodman at [email protected] Friends and Fiber If music isn’t your thing, maybe yarn is! Every Wednesday evening, 6:00 – 8:30 pm, Library Community Room: Friends and Fiber Group: All abilities and ages of fiber enthusiasts (and those wanting to learn or just visit) are welcome to attend. Come with your knitting, crocheting, spinning, felting, rug hooking, embroidery, sewing or other fiber arts-related or hand-held project to work on. There is no charge and the group is casual and welcoming. While there is no formal instruction, if you have a question about your project, there is usually someone in attendance who can provide assistance. Experience is that the group is likely to gather on the off weeks as well as everyone enjoys the company and sharing of ideas. Should you wish more information or if you have questions, please contact [email protected]. Corner House Restaurant Did you know that 22 Main Street, where the Corner House now resides, has a rich history dating back to the 1800s? At 175 years old, The building has served as a general store, inn, restaurant, and even a community gathering place for generations of Sandwich residents. Stepping into the Corner House is like stepping back in time, with its charming atmosphere and dedication to community spirit. Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 4 – 9, Friday and Saturday 4 – 10, Sunday 9 – 9 with brunch from 9-2. Friday evenings from 6 till 9, the Corner House hosts fantastic local musicians in the pub. Friday, September 20 – Peter Heimlich 22 Main Street, Sandwich, NH 03227, email: [email protected] (603) 284-6219 Foothills Café and Curio Fall Hours: Monday 8am - 9pm Tuesday Closed Wednesday Closed Thursday 8am - 9pm, Live Music on Thursday nights at 6:30 Friday 8am - 9pm Saturday 8am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 9pm The Foothills Café and Curio is located at 25 Main Street, Sandwich. 603-707-2424. Eleven’s Prepared Foods Here’s an example of some of the amazing foods you can pick up at the North Sandwich Store, made locally: grape dill chicken salad, kale caesar chicken salad, ham salad, pasta salad, roasted beet farro salad, coconut curry tomato soup (Booty Farm tomatoes!!!), parsnip bisque, Asian slaw, artichoke tomato feta bake (this is DEEElicious on pasta or served over rice!) NOTE from Ashley: We will be stocking the store through September 30, and then it's off to other races for the lot of us. We sure do appreciate the support of this small women-driven business. It takes a village, and this village support is superlative!” Elevens Catering is offering prepared salads and more at the North Sandwich Store, 2 Maple Ridge Road in North Sandwich on the weekends throughout the summer. Deliveries occur on Thursdays or Fridays. 2 Basket Street Yoga Led by Molly Powers Simmons, and located at 2 Basket Street, Center Sandwich. Contact Molly at 617-461-9512, or visit the website at 2basketstreetyoga.com for more information or to sign up for classes. Drop-in price: 15.00; 5-class pass - $65.00. Schedule: Saturday 9/21- 9am: 60 min - All Levels Flow with Molly - in studio and on Zoom Monday 9/23 - 8am: 60 min - All Levels Flow with Molly - in studio and on Zoom Wednesday 9/25 - 9am: 60 min - All Levels Flow with Molly - in studio and on Zoom [email protected]. Dragonfly Yoga Barn WEEKLY PRACTICE SCHEDULE: Weds: 8-9:15 am ~ Five Element Slow Flow (all levels) Thurs: 5-6:15 pm ~ Vinyasa Flow (moderate) Fri: 8-9:15 am ~ Yin Yoga (all levels, deep myofascial stretch) Sat. 8-9:15 am ~ Five Element Flow Sun. 5-6:15 pm ~ Yin Yoga Located at 280 Bennett Street, North Sandwich. Contact [email protected], or online at www.dragonflyyogabarn.com. Eastman House Counseling and Yoga Offered by Heather Cameron. Located at 909 Holderness Road, Center Sandwich. Yoga class is held on Fridays, from 9- 10 am, Mindful Slow Flow. Slow flow yoga is a gentle practice which combines deep breathing, stretching and relaxed postures to bring restorative energy and serenity to your body and mind. Preregister via email, [email protected]. Something Wild Farm Farm stand open this weekend: pastured eggs, garlic, some cherry tomatoes, new potatoes, random veggies, maple syrup, fresh-made calendula salves, probably some other stuff! Check it out! Located at 430 North Sandwich Road. Pasture raised eggs, Maple Syrup, handmade candles, and more. Contact Richard at [email protected], and check out their website, somethingwildfarm.com. Waxing Moon Gardens Find out what’s been happening at www.waxingmoongardens.com. Waxing Moon Gardens is located at 222 Whiteface Intervale, North Sandwich. Contact them at [email protected]. Chestnut Meadow Farm Chestnut Meadow Farm will be taking part in the Sandwich Farmers’ Market from 10 till noon on the village green in Sandwich. The lettuce is doing great this year! Plus, we have garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, and an assortment of other veggies. Chestnut Meadow is located at 146 Wentworth Hill Road, (Route 109) Sandwich. We offer Fresh Eggs from soy-free organic fed hens, and summer vegetables, all grown organically, no spray ever. Stop by the self- serve farmstand for eggs and veggies or visit online at chestnutmadowfarm.com. Email [email protected] for information or to place an order. September Moon Farm Now is a perfect time to get your perennial flowers in the ground for next year. From our garden to yours… Anise Hyssop and foxglove. Veggies available are green beans, purple beans, carrots, garlic, mint sprigs, Dino kale, walking onions, swiss chard and sungold tomatoes. Stop by their booth at the Sandwich Farmers’ Market Saturday morning from 10-noon at the Sandwich Town Green in front of Sandwich Home Industries, to see what they have to offer and get to know them! Stanton Brook Farm Stanton Brook Farm, located at 69 Mount Israel Road, has an abundance of beautiful tomatoes, eggplant and basil among other goodies. Farm stand open daily 8:30 to just before dusk. Booty Family Farm Booty Family Farm is excited to have certified organic: Green beans, Carrots, New red potatoes, Onions, Tomatoes, Cucumbers; Also at the stand, Elsa’s dahlia & zinnia bouquets, Maple Syrup and Rachel’s Pottery. Self-serve farm stand 610 Mt Israel Rd, Center Sandwich. Venmo/cash/cheque accepted. We are a certified organic farm located at 610 Mount Israel Road and have been in operation for over 40 years. We provide the full array of seasonal vegetables throughout the growing season, maple syrup, lamb, logging services and firewood. We hope you enjoy eating our produce as much as we do! Steve Bartlett & the Booty Family Farm, 860-227-0397 Your Neighbor’s Flowers The flower stand is stocked each week with freshly harvested flowers and open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9AM until 7PM. We have Seasonal mixed bouquets, mason jars, sunflower bunches and more. Stand Location: 4 Dow Rd Sandwich, NH Special Orders: You can order flowers anytime via the website here: https://www.yourneighborsflowers.com/category/all-products or feel free to email your custom requests. All these flowers are grown at the farm or in some cases sourced from neighboring flower farms and gardens - Thank you for supporting local farms! Botanical Lampshades Open Saturdays in the new shade shed. 95 Foss Flats Road. Pressed flower lampshades, map lampshades, handmade paper shades, and made to order shades. Lamps too. Bring your lamp base so you can try some on. Does your old shade need restitching or new hardware? Bring that too. No credit cards; cash, checks and Venmo accepted. Some other goodies too like moon wreaths, mullein candles, dried herbs, prints, bottle adaptors to make your own lamp, wood spirit carvings, bayberry wax. 11 am to 5 pm Saturday only. Other times by appointment, at 603-284-7468. Sandwich Creamery 2 Maple Ridge Road, Sandwich. Self-serve, locally made ice cream and cheese. Open from 9 am until 9 pm daily. Papa Beans Ice Cream Take a drive to our Sugarhouse and try our small batch homemade ice cream made on site using all New Hampshire dairy from Hatchland Farm, one small batch at a time. Indulge in our caramel ice cream which is made by carnalizing the sugar for its flavor and color. Or our increasingly popular Honeyberry ice cream (made with honeyberries from Wayside farm). Ice Cream Pints & half Pints if flavors like Maple Latte, Caramel, Cinnamon, and much more! Ice Cream Sandwich flavors include: Oatmeal Cookie with Maple Bourbon, Chocolate Chip with Vanilla , Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip cookies with Vanilla ice cream. Also, we have ice cream pies in assorted flavors, non-dairy treats, and pup cups. Maple Products: Assortment of Plastic & Glass bottles of Maple syrup, Maple Bourbon Syrup, Maple Candy, and Maple Sugar. Located at 301 Wing Road, Sandwich. Mountain Breeze Farm Mt Breeze Farm will be joining other vendors Saturday morning 10- 12 for a market on the green, 32 Main Street, Sandwich. We will be there with freshly made garlic scape powder and salt, beef, pork and maple syrup. We will have ground beef, beef kielbasa, beef chorizo, stew meat and select steaks. For pork we will have ground pork, breakfast sausage, bratwurst, kielbasa, bone-in chops, cutlets, ham steaks, spareribs and baby back ribs. We will also have maple syrup in a variety of sizes. Farmers’ Market Sandwich farmers will host another Saturday Market this week as the growing season comes to an end. Saturday, from 10 am to 12 noon on the green in front of the Sandwich Fine Craft Gallery in the center of town. You’ll find local beef, pork, eggs, syrup, vegetables, herbs, plants, down home music, and more! If you like small, quiet, local farmers’ markets, this is the one for you. Tamworth Community Food Center Welcomes You If you or someone you know is in a position where access to food would be of help, please call the number provided. There are resources. The primary goal of the Tamworth Community Food Center is addressing hunger for those in need, serving the communities of Tamworth and Sandwich, NH. Our organization’s volunteers are trained and well-informed, knowing the value of awareness, action, and the effects of hunger. We are dedicated to providing fresh and nutritious food to people and families who may go without it. Our volunteers are devoted to understanding the significance and impact of community outreach. Donations from individuals, local organizations, businesses, and the towns provide stability and support, addressing the essentials of our citizens via sustainable solutions. It is our goal to tackle both short and long-term needs. Every other Wednesday, 11-3. Next date: Wednesday, September 25 Located at St Andrews Church, 678 Whittier Road, Tamworth, NH. General Questions: 603-960-4067. Mobile Food Pantry The NH Food Bank’s mobile food pantry travels to many different areas of need across New Hampshire. The mobile food pantry will be traveling to Ossipee on Friday, September 20. Find them from 12:00 until 2:00 pm at St. Joseph’s Church, 23 Moultonville Road, Ossipee. What to know before you go:
Senior Meals Join the fun at our Wednesday lunch here in Sandwich! Sandwich senior meals take place on Wednesdays at noon at the Benz Center, 18 Heard Road, Center Sandwich. Additionally, Moultonboro senior meals are held Monday through Thursday at the Moultonboro Community Center (formerly Old Lions Club) at 139 Old Route 109. All are welcome. Coffee will be ready at 11:30! Household Hazardous Waste Collections If you missed the earlier HHW collection days, please remember to get rid of your unwanted chemicals at the FREE Lakes Region Planning Commission (LRPC) HHW collection days in September. Having these fall dates are new for the program, as is having the afternoon hours in Tuftonboro (probably the most convenient location for us) Thursday - September 26 from 2:00 – 6:00 PM at the Tuftonboro Transfer Station - 20 Sargent’s Crossing (off NH Rte. 171) Saturday - September 28 from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM at the Laconia DPW - 27 Bisson Ave. Sandwich Transfer Station 2023-2024 facility stickers are required for use of the Transfer Station (and swimming facilities). Stickers are available for purchase at Town Hall, by mail or by drop box. Transfer Station use is strictly prohibited for vehicles without stickers/passes (even for longtime residents!). Sandwich Transfer Station hours are Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 am to 4 pm. Please arrive at the Transfer Station at least 15 minutes before closing to allow for unloading and closure for the day. Kevin and John appreciate being able to close on time. Reminder: if you are recycling larger cardboard, please be sure it is cut to a maximum size of 4' x 4'. Larger pieces jam up our compactors! Election Information UPCOMING ELECTIONS FOR 2024: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - State General Election Polls open at 8:00 am for all State/Federal Elections (10am for Town Election); Polls close at 7:00pm. http://www.sandwichnh.org/departments/town_clerks_office/elections/index.php All elections are held on the second floor of Town Hall located at 8 Maple Street, Sandwich, NH. It is important to note that the Town Clerk/Tax Collectors Office is always closed on election days. Town of Sandwich contact information Alison Gage, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, [email protected] Town Clerk’s office hours: Tues & Thurs 8:00am to 5:30pm Courtney Delaney, Town Administrator, may be reached during regular office hours, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. e-mail: [email protected] Kelly Cox, Administrative Assistant, may be reached during regular office hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. e-mail: [email protected] Website: sandwichnh.org Town of Sandwich 8 Maple Street, PO Box 194 Sandwich, NH 03227 P: 603-284-7113 Community Church of Sandwich A 10-week Bible study on the Ten Commandments will be offered Sunday September 22 through Sunday, November 24. Meeting will be at 6:30 on Zoom. Please Contact Pastor Deb if you’re interested in this study. Worship with the Community Church on Sundays at 10 at the Baptist Meetinghouse, Church Street during the summer months. Contact us by Mail: PO Box 267, Sandwich, NH 03227, email [email protected], or call 603-284-6151 Harvest Church of the Lakes Region Harvest Church invites you to visit at 80 Bean Road in Moultonborough, Sundays at 10:00 am for contemporary worship and Biblical teaching. We have several meetings during the week as well: a men’s Bible Study on Mondays and a home church meeting on Thursdays in Sandwich. Call for details! Contact us at [email protected] or 603-476-7037. In the Round In the Round will be taking a hiatus for the rest of September to reset and implement an updated direction starting in October. Next meeting is Sunday, October 6th. In the Round, a community discussion group for the past 25 years, meets weekly in Sandwich. The topic is always thought provoking and related to what people are thinking about these days. In the Round welcomes all points of view, reasonably and respectfully considered. Anyone who wishes to join in that spirit of dialog is invited. Various viewpoints are welcomed. Everyone is welcome. Comments are closed.