2020 Voting in Sandwich
10.31.20: Sandwich Residents - The State General Election is Tuesday, November 3, 2020 upstairs at Town Hall. Polls are open from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Masks required to enter building.
Our Moderator reminds you that face masks will be available for those who forgot to bring one. Six foot social distancing will be enforced. Due to the confined space of the elevator to the second floor it will not be used for the elections. Provisions will be made in the parking lot for an area for those physically unable to climb the stairs or for voters who feel unable to wear face masks. If you fall into either of those categories please vote by absentee ballot.
Please ENTER using the DOOR ON THE RIGHT (as you face Town Hall), go up the stairs on the RIGHT, practicing social distancing; hand sanitizer will be available for you, as will pencils. Proceed to Check-In table, State Your Name and present photo ID. You will be handed your ballot. Proceed to a voting booth of your choice; Complete ballot (front & back) and proceed to Check-Out table (again, State Your Name), then hand ballot to Moderator.
We have already received 544 Absentee Ballots, so I anticipate ~600 In-Person voters for Tuesday.
NOTE: Monday, November 2nd, the Town Clerks office will be staffed from 9am to 5pm for you to return any last minute absentee ballots (or to request one for Tuesdays Election - call 284-7113 and I will meet you out at the picnic tables). Please email me directly if you have any questions. Regards, Alison
Our Moderator reminds you that face masks will be available for those who forgot to bring one. Six foot social distancing will be enforced. Due to the confined space of the elevator to the second floor it will not be used for the elections. Provisions will be made in the parking lot for an area for those physically unable to climb the stairs or for voters who feel unable to wear face masks. If you fall into either of those categories please vote by absentee ballot.
Please ENTER using the DOOR ON THE RIGHT (as you face Town Hall), go up the stairs on the RIGHT, practicing social distancing; hand sanitizer will be available for you, as will pencils. Proceed to Check-In table, State Your Name and present photo ID. You will be handed your ballot. Proceed to a voting booth of your choice; Complete ballot (front & back) and proceed to Check-Out table (again, State Your Name), then hand ballot to Moderator.
We have already received 544 Absentee Ballots, so I anticipate ~600 In-Person voters for Tuesday.
NOTE: Monday, November 2nd, the Town Clerks office will be staffed from 9am to 5pm for you to return any last minute absentee ballots (or to request one for Tuesdays Election - call 284-7113 and I will meet you out at the picnic tables). Please email me directly if you have any questions. Regards, Alison
The Town Clerk's Office will be open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for you to return your Absentee Ballot in person for the November 3rd General Election or to submit your Absentee Ballot Application (call us from the parking lot – we will bring you a ballot).
Alison Gage writes: November 3rd is just around the corner – if you want to request an Absentee Ballot please do so as soon as possible. Otherwise we will see you on Nov. 3rd upstairs at Town Hall – polls are open from 8am to 7pm.
The Town Clerk's Office will be open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for you to return your Absentee Ballot in person for the November 3rd General Election or to submit your Absentee Ballot Application (call us from the parking lot – we will bring you a ballot).
NOTE: Your ballot must be received by the town clerk no later than 5:00pm on election day in order to be submitted for counting that evening. Already Returned Your Ballot? - Track it here: https://app.sos.nh.gov
Please DO NOT leave Ballots in our DROP BOX.
Alison Gage writes: November 3rd is just around the corner – if you want to request an Absentee Ballot please do so as soon as possible. Otherwise we will see you on Nov. 3rd upstairs at Town Hall – polls are open from 8am to 7pm.
The Town Clerk's Office will be open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for you to return your Absentee Ballot in person for the November 3rd General Election or to submit your Absentee Ballot Application (call us from the parking lot – we will bring you a ballot).
NOTE: Your ballot must be received by the town clerk no later than 5:00pm on election day in order to be submitted for counting that evening. Already Returned Your Ballot? - Track it here: https://app.sos.nh.gov
Please DO NOT leave Ballots in our DROP BOX.
Pursuant to a recent change in the New Hampshire Election Laws of 2020, Chapter 14 authorizes the Moderator to partially process the absentee ballots that have been received by the clerk on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Monday prior to the election.
Therefore, on Saturday, October 31, 2020, at 9:00 AM the Absentee Ballots will be partially processed upstairs at Sandwich Town Hall, 8 Main Street. This process is open to the public.
At that time the outer envelope of each returned absentee ballot shall be opened, the affidavit on the inner envelope shall be examined, the voter’s name shall be announced, an opportunity for a challenge of the ballot shall be given, and a notation will be made on the checklist to help facilitate the processing of the ballots on Election Day. The affidavit envelope will not be opened, and the ballot will not be counted at this session.
If the absentee ballot is rejected during partial processing (i.e. “affidavit not signed”, “missing affidavit” or “affidavit improperly executed”) the Town Clerks’ office will be contacting you on Saturday, 10/31, to cure the defect before or on election day.
Respectfully, James Mykland, Sandwich Town Moderator, Alison Gage, Sandwich Town Clerk
Town of Sandwich, 8 Maple Street PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227, 603-284-7113
Therefore, on Saturday, October 31, 2020, at 9:00 AM the Absentee Ballots will be partially processed upstairs at Sandwich Town Hall, 8 Main Street. This process is open to the public.
At that time the outer envelope of each returned absentee ballot shall be opened, the affidavit on the inner envelope shall be examined, the voter’s name shall be announced, an opportunity for a challenge of the ballot shall be given, and a notation will be made on the checklist to help facilitate the processing of the ballots on Election Day. The affidavit envelope will not be opened, and the ballot will not be counted at this session.
If the absentee ballot is rejected during partial processing (i.e. “affidavit not signed”, “missing affidavit” or “affidavit improperly executed”) the Town Clerks’ office will be contacting you on Saturday, 10/31, to cure the defect before or on election day.
Respectfully, James Mykland, Sandwich Town Moderator, Alison Gage, Sandwich Town Clerk
Town of Sandwich, 8 Maple Street PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227, 603-284-7113
Moderator Jim Mykland and Town Clerk, Alison Gage, write: We encourage all voters to vote by absentee ballot. This will afford the most protection for voters and poll workers. If you choose not to vote by absentee ballot be advised face masks will be REQUIRED to enter the Town Hall to vote. Face masks will be available for those who forgot to bring one. Six foot social distancing will be enforced. Due to the confined space of the elevator to the second floor it will not be used for the elections. Provisions will be made in the parking lot for an area for those physically unable to climb the stairs or for voters who feel unable to wear face masks. If you fall into either of those categories please vote by absentee ballot.
The Town Clerks Office will be staffed Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, for the 2 weeks prior to the November 3rd Election. This will enable each voter to deliver their Absentee Ballot in-person to Town Hall. (Please bring proper ID and face mask) [If returning ballot for family member – I will have a form for you to complete as a “delivery agent”].
The Town Clerks Office will be staffed Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, for the 2 weeks prior to the November 3rd Election. This will enable each voter to deliver their Absentee Ballot in-person to Town Hall. (Please bring proper ID and face mask) [If returning ballot for family member – I will have a form for you to complete as a “delivery agent”].
Sample Ballots and Absentee Voting Applications
Sandwich Residents will find Sample Ballots for the State General Election posted on the Bulletin Board in front of Town Hall and the Post Office. They are also available on the town website.
Absentee Ballot Application
The Absentee Ballot Application can be found on the town website, or download it below. Ballot applications must be signed by hand. Copies are also available at the back entrance to Town Hall; once completed they can be left in the Drop Box at the back of Town Hall.)
You can also mail, email or fax in your completed application. Please mail to Sandwich Town Clerk, PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227. [email protected] Fax: 284-6819
Sandwich Residents will find Sample Ballots for the State General Election posted on the Bulletin Board in front of Town Hall and the Post Office. They are also available on the town website.
Absentee Ballot Application
The Absentee Ballot Application can be found on the town website, or download it below. Ballot applications must be signed by hand. Copies are also available at the back entrance to Town Hall; once completed they can be left in the Drop Box at the back of Town Hall.)
You can also mail, email or fax in your completed application. Please mail to Sandwich Town Clerk, PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227. [email protected] Fax: 284-6819
absentee-ballot-app-8-20-covid.pdf |
NOTE: Your ballot must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00pm on election day in order to be submitted for counting that evening.
Returning Absentee Ballots
An absentee ballot can only be returned in-person by the voter, by mail, or by a delivery agent.
Hand deliver in-Person: (Monday thru Thursday): Due to an update in NH RSA 657:17-a, if you return your absentee ballot in-person, please bring your photo identification. Although Town Hall remains closed to the public, we are here working Monday through Thursdays (7:30am – 5:30pm). You can call the town clerk's office at 284-7113 from the parking lot and Alison will come out to meet you at one of our picnic tables (please wear your mask). You may also contact the Selectmen’s Office at 284-7701 (Cath, Courtney and Kelly have all been “deputized” to received Absentee ballots)
Via Mail: Please mail to Sandwich Town Clerk, PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227. I recommend returning via mail at least one (1) week prior to election. Please remember to affix postage. (Note: All mail is now being sent to Manchester for processing, then returned to Sandwich.)
Delivery Agent: The following people are considered to be a delivery agent, per NH RSA 657:17:
The voter’s spouse, parent, sibling, child, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepparent or stepchild.
Nursing home administrator licensed pursuant to RSA 151-A:2, or a nursing home staff member designated in writing by the administrator to deliver ballots;
The residential care facility administrator, or residential care facility staff member designated in writing by the administrator to deliver ballots;
The person* assisting a blind voter a voter with a disability who has signed a statement on the affidavit envelope acknowledging assistance. *This person cannot deliver more than 4 absentee ballots.
Your delivery agent will be asked to complete a return form and show photo identification in order to deliver your ballot.
Track Your Ballot - Look up your Absentee Ballot information for dates mailed and received: https://app.sos.nh.gov. DO NOT leave Ballots in our DROP BOX. If you have any questions please e-mail Alison Gage, the Town Clerk directly.
Returning Absentee Ballots
An absentee ballot can only be returned in-person by the voter, by mail, or by a delivery agent.
Hand deliver in-Person: (Monday thru Thursday): Due to an update in NH RSA 657:17-a, if you return your absentee ballot in-person, please bring your photo identification. Although Town Hall remains closed to the public, we are here working Monday through Thursdays (7:30am – 5:30pm). You can call the town clerk's office at 284-7113 from the parking lot and Alison will come out to meet you at one of our picnic tables (please wear your mask). You may also contact the Selectmen’s Office at 284-7701 (Cath, Courtney and Kelly have all been “deputized” to received Absentee ballots)
Via Mail: Please mail to Sandwich Town Clerk, PO Box 194, Sandwich, NH 03227. I recommend returning via mail at least one (1) week prior to election. Please remember to affix postage. (Note: All mail is now being sent to Manchester for processing, then returned to Sandwich.)
Delivery Agent: The following people are considered to be a delivery agent, per NH RSA 657:17:
The voter’s spouse, parent, sibling, child, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepparent or stepchild.
Nursing home administrator licensed pursuant to RSA 151-A:2, or a nursing home staff member designated in writing by the administrator to deliver ballots;
The residential care facility administrator, or residential care facility staff member designated in writing by the administrator to deliver ballots;
The person* assisting a blind voter a voter with a disability who has signed a statement on the affidavit envelope acknowledging assistance. *This person cannot deliver more than 4 absentee ballots.
Your delivery agent will be asked to complete a return form and show photo identification in order to deliver your ballot.
Track Your Ballot - Look up your Absentee Ballot information for dates mailed and received: https://app.sos.nh.gov. DO NOT leave Ballots in our DROP BOX. If you have any questions please e-mail Alison Gage, the Town Clerk directly.